Sunday 12 July 2015

Outspoken Two-Year-Old Riley Curry Gets a New Sibling

Riley Curry, daughter of the Golden State Warriors' Stephen Curry, sassy speaker and purveyor of all that is cute has a brand new little sister.
Outspoken Two-Year-Old Riley Curry Gets a New Sibling
Ryan Carson Curry was born Sunday morning, weighing in at 6 lbs. 1 oz. Ayesha Curry, mother to the two little girls, stated publicly that she went through the three hours of labor it took to get Ryan into the world sans epidural.
This is something I’ve always wanted to do and was so happy to get through it with the help of my darling husband and amazing doctor. This time around I felt more prepared and was able to take in the entire process. It was a miracle!
But the real question is, how is Riley handling all of this?
According to Ayesha's personal blog, where the news of Ryan's birth was originally shared, very well.
"Riley is completely enamored with her little sister and has taken on her role as big sister beautifully. I am already so proud of her!"
Outspoken Two-Year-Old Riley Curry Gets a New Sibling

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